What to do if there's a possum in your roof

possum in your roof

Possums, while often cute and harmless-looking, can become a significant nuisance when they take residence on your roof. Addressing this issue promptly is crucial to prevent potential damage to your property and ensure the well-being of both the occupants and the possums. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore effective and humane methods for dealing with a possum on your roof.


Encountering a possum on your roof can be a perplexing situation. The scratching and thumping sounds may disrupt your peace, and the risk of damage to your property cannot be ignored. In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to identify the presence of a possum, discuss the risks associated with their presence, and provide practical solutions for humane removal.

Identifying the Presence of a Possum

Possums are nocturnal creatures, so detecting their presence during the day might be challenging. However, unmistakable signs include scratching and thumping sounds, especially during the night. Check for possible entry points such as loose tiles, gaps in the roof, or open vents.

Risks and Consequences

While possums might seem harmless, they can cause significant damage to your property. From chewing electrical wires to tearing insulation, the consequences of a possum infestation can be costly. Moreover, possum droppings pose health risks, making it imperative to address the issue promptly.

The Importance of Humane Removal

When dealing with a possum on your roof, ethical considerations should guide your actions. It's crucial to approach their removal humanely, considering the welfare of the animals. Additionally, familiarize yourself with local regulations regarding possum removal to avoid legal complications.

possum in your roof

DIY Methods for Possum Removal

Before calling in professionals, try these DIY methods to encourage possums to leave your roof willingly. Creating an environment that discourages them and using safe deterrents can be effective in persuading possums to find a more suitable habitat.

Professional Assistance

If DIY methods prove ineffective or if the possum infestation is severe, it's time to seek professional assistance. When choosing a pest control service, ensure they specialize in humane possum removal and are reputable in your community.

Sealing Entry Points

To prevent future possum intrusions, identify and seal potential access points in your roof. Conduct a thorough inspection, and take measures to reinforce weak spots, ensuring a possum-proof environment.

Repairing Damage

Assess any damage caused by possums and make necessary repairs promptly. This not only safeguards your property but also sends a signal to possums that your space is not suitable for habitation.

Possum-Proofing Your Roof

Implement long-term strategies to keep possums away. This may involve landscaping adjustments, such as trimming overhanging branches, and architectural changes, like installing possum-proof screens on vents.

Dealing with Possum Droppings

Possum droppings can harbor bacteria and parasites, posing health risks. If you find droppings, follow safe cleanup methods, wear protective gear, and disinfect the area thoroughly.

Educating Neighbors

Possum control is a community effort. Spread awareness among neighbors about the importance of creating an environment that discourages possums. Encourage responsible waste disposal and landscaping practices.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

Addressing common misconceptions about possums is essential for informed decision-making. Dispelling myths can lead to a more compassionate and effective approach to dealing with these nocturnal visitors.

Local Regulations

Before taking any action, research and understand local regulations regarding possum control. Compliance with legal requirements ensures a responsible and lawful approach to dealing with possum-related issues.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Regularly monitor your property to ensure possums stay away. Adjust prevention strategies based on seasonal changes and any modifications to your property that might inadvertently attract possums.

                                                                  Protech Pest Control 


In conclusion, dealing with a possum on your roof requires a proactive and humane approach. By identifying their presence, addressing potential risks, and implementing effective removal and prevention strategies, you can ensure a possum-free and harmonious living environment.


  1. Q: Are possums dangerous to humans? A: While possums are generally not aggressive, they can pose risks through property damage and potential health hazards from their droppings.

  2. Q: Can I use poison to get rid of possums? A: Using poison is not recommended, as it can harm possums and other non-target animals. Humane removal methods are more ethical and effective.

  3. Q: How can I find a reliable pest control service for possum removal? A: Research local services, read reviews, and ask for recommendations from neighbors. Choose a service that specializes in humane possum removal.

  4. Q: Will possums return after removal? A: Properly sealing entry points and implementing possum-proofing measures can significantly reduce


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